Friday 1 November 2013

(Not) The End & My Stats...

So, the 30 days is over. My last day was the 31st, as I didn't start until the 2nd.

My last few days have followed a similar pattern as others as far as food is concerned..
Breakfasts involving 2 or 3 eggs, with either some banana (and on one morning a banana and strawberry panlette - nice!) or bacon / veg.
Lunches involving a decent size piece of meat (usually chicken) supplemented with salad and or cold veg (but broccoli soup on one day).
Dinners, as lunches, only hot (and usually bigger). Over the last few days these have included slow cooked beef casserole, and a chilli, in which I substituted beans for chunks of carrot and courgette and served with cauliflower rice- really good!)
Snacks have been fruit and nuts and coconut. Coffee has been consumed 2 or 3 times per day.

Sunday - hill sprints
Monday - rest day
Tuesday - 7am CrossFit class; 8pm squash match - win (& team - win!!)
Weds - 12pm CrossFit Class
Thurs - 12pm Weightlifting class (snatches); 6pm Ferino's Fab Abs.
I've been happy with my performance at  all of the above, particularly hills, Wednesday's WOD and the snatches on Thursday. 

This challenge really did appear seemingly out of nowhere at just the right time for me. Sometime in September (I don't remember when) I'd had a good whinge to both Sam and Mike about not knowing which direction I wanted to go in with my training and about the fact  that I hadn't lost any weight (in terms  of the numbers I see on the  scales) in 6 months of training at the box. The suggestion was that I was doing the  right  training.... Maybe I needed to look at  my diet?

I thought I was doing things right. I thought  I ate healthily. I definitely did eat a lot of 'healthy' food - big salads for lunch, cottage  cheese, chicken. Rice cakes. You know, all the healthy stuff.
What this month has really shown me is that amongst all the 'good' stuff, I hid an awful lot of crap! And that some of the things that I considered to be healthy may not be doing me any favours. I've learned that being prepared is key and I'm now thinking ahead a bit more about where I'll be and what food I'll need and what I need to buy from the shops. One of the best things about this is that I shop better. I spend less time in shops and supermarkets, as I'm not nipping in to the local (crap) little Sainbury's Local around the corner. This in itself steers me away from a world of absolute shite food that I get sucked into far too often. And having a plan makes it much harder to justify eating crap.

Moving Onwards
I don't intend to stick to as strict a regime as I have done over the 30 days. In fact I'll be having a beer as soon as I've finished this blog. But a few beers this weekend will be all I add into my diet this week (I'm away in Lincoln at my Mum's this weekend). I'll try  and keep all grains out, but I'll be having a slice of black pudding in the morning (my mum's got some sausages in that are 97% pork shoulder - get in!!).
From next weekend, I'll experiment with a bit of dairy. I'm hoping to continue to change my body composition and, hopefully, this  will involve losing a few more pounds (maybe another 7-10), but over time.
I don't intend to eat bread or pasta. I'll try and keep out rice and oats for quite a bit longer, but will be more relaxed about small quantities of grains as ingredients in other things, as long as there's no unpronounceable, fucked up shit in them (I really believe cutting out all the processed stuff has been a big part of my progress).
I will do my absolute best to cut out all added sugars whenever possible.

This month wouldn't have happened some awesome people...
Kelly Dixon - thanks for kick-starting this whole thing. You started it off and it was perfect timing for me.
Mike - thanks for the calliper encounters and for being on hand for advice on tweaks when I was finding it tough to keep training in week 2.
All my fellow 30 day challengers and everyone else at the box - the support  generated through a group of people all doing this together has been phenomenal and, as is the CrossFit Leeds way, has made me feel included, helped along and, most importantly, part of something brilliant and inspiring. I've spoken to people I'd not really spoken to before about all sorts of challenge related stuff, shared more than I would normally feel comfortable and I wouldn't have been able to keep going without you all. Biggest shouts, however, have to go to Mel, Simon and Wully, who have motivated me more than they know.
And my wife, Donna, who has not only put up with my being really pernickety and controlling over food for the last 30 days, but has embraced it herself to quite a degree, eaten whatever  I've cooked, told me when there's been less of me and where and been completely supportive the whole way through. 

The Results... Weights and Measures.

Mike had his callipers on me immediately before and after the challenge

                  Before               After              Change 
Bicep           9mm                6mm               -3mm
Tricep         12mm               8mm               -4mm
Hip             26mm               16mm             -10mm
Back           20mm               16mm              -4mm
Total          67mm                46mm             -21mm
Body Fat:     29%                     23%                  -6%
Weight:     105.6kg              99.3kg             -6.3kg
                  (16st 8lb)           (15st 8lb)         (1 stone!)

                  Before pics                                                After pics

A work in progress. It's not the end of the challenge for me, but a transition to the next part of a journey, but I've learned so much I feel confident that I can take things much further. Watch this space. Sporadic updates may well appear.......!

Saturday 26 October 2013

On the rails, but recovered well... Days 23-25

Not sure how to record what I ate on Thursday, but the quickest way would probably to say that I ate pretty much anything I came into contact with. Sorry if this includes you - I don't actually remember trying to eat anyone, but if I got a bit Luis Suarez on your ass, or any other part of you, then I apologise. It's not my fault you're made of meat...

Just not waaaaaaay too much!!
In my defence, I didn't go beyond the realms of acceptable foods from the challenge food list. But if it was on the list, I probably ate it. Twice. Also in my defence, and to reflect what Laura said in her blog yesterday, if you're gonna go nuts (or bananas - choose your favourite paleo-madness pun) and eat loads, there are far worse choices you can make than fruit, meat, eggs, more fruit, veg, nuts, more meat and even more fruit.

It serves me right, I guess, for getting a bit cocky and talking about feeling in control in my last blog entry. A little bit of a reality check that one of those days can be just around the corner pretty much anytime and when you're least expecting it. And it shows that control is relative - my binge day was another persons healthy day.... Actually, it would still have been a really healthy day for me in another month. 

Full control was regained on Friday, when I didn't feel hungry at all and Saturday has been good, despite being out and about all day.

Thursday Food. (An approximation - I may have missed some stuff)
8:00am, breakfast: 3 eggs, scrambled. Some cashew butter. Espresso with almond/coconut milk
9:30am, snack: 2 satsuma's and about 30g of mixed nuts (brazil, walnut, cashew, almond) and dried coconut
11:00am:, another snack: 5 (yes, 5!) small plums.
1:00pm, lunch: Crossfit Leeds Burger at Zed.
3:30pm, snack: A banana and another 30g of my nuts and coconut
5:30pm, pre-Fab Abs: protein shake, a banana and some cashew butter
7:45pm, snack-in-the-car-on-the-way-home-from-Waitrose: Some cooked jumbo king prawns
8:15pm, er... Starter?: A small piece of thin cut veal, pan-fried, and a fried egg
9:00pm, dinner: Sliced beef (from a joint I had just cooked) with roast veg, salad leaves, loads of olives, sun-dried tomatoes and hot cherry peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, wilted spinach, horseradish, mustard.
9:30pm, dessert: Strawberries.

Wowzers!! I think that's it...

Thursday training: Ferino's Fab Abs at 6pm.

Friday Food
11:00am, snack: 2 satsumas
2:30pm, lunch: sliced beef with some roast veg, salad leaves, tomatoes, peppers and a few olives and hot cherry peppers.
5:30pm, pre-training: 1/2 serving protein shake
7:15pm, post-training: protein shake (full dose)
8:00pm: ?: a couple of teaspoons of cashew butter

Friday Training
6pm CrossFit Class
Power clean and push jerk tekkers and try for a 1RM. I was a bit disappointed with this, as I only made it up to 70kg, which felt fairly easy and I did a couple of times, but failed at 80 (after a hideous clean attempt) and ran out of time before trying 75, so didn't even get to equal my best power clean or push jerk, which are both 75.
Today's WOD was 5 rounds of 7 HPC's and 15 wall balls. Rx weight for the HPC's was 70kg, which I thought was a bit much for me, and I decided to go at 55kg. Absolutely smashed this, putting in a time of 5:53, best time of the day I think, so should probably have gone a bit heavier. Might have to try it in an open gym session with 70kg, see how I get on.

Saturday Food
8:30am, breakfast: 3 egg omlette with 3 rashers bacon, mushroom & spring onion. Espresso with almond/coconut milk
11:30am, snack: An apple
12:30pm, lunch: Roast beef (cold) with salad leaves, tomatoes, spring onion, some olives and hot cherry peppers and a 2 egg scramlette (half scrambled, half omlette!). Followed by 2 plums.
2:30pm, snack: A satsuma.
8:00pm, dinner: A very large sirloin steak, swede mash (just swede with a little coconut oil), salad leaves, 1/2 avacado, tomato a little wilted spinach and a fried egg!

6 eggs today. A PB!

No training for me today.

Between breakfast and lunch I went to HG3 with the Masters team for the Dominance WOD. I was the non-wodding member again this month, as my pull-ups aren't up to scratch yet. Wully, Ferino and Mick put in an awesome team performance.

Between lunch and dinner I went to Old Trafford to watch my struggling team come from behind to beat Stoke 3-2. Decent 2nd half performance and some good substitutions (can taking Nani off ever be a bad thing?!) and a scintillating last 20 minutes contributing to a fab Saturday!

Result!! Much needed...

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Cruise Control - Days 21 & 22


Really good day today, despite picking up another BLACK MARK for sleep... Feel like the strict clean eating feels more like the norm now. At work, the lovely folks at the regional Stammering Support Service were having an open morning with  a big cake stall raising some funds. I politely declined the cakes and was only too happy to explain why when asked. It wasn't remotely difficult to resist. Also had a pretty productive meeting in the afternoon that, on paper, looked like it could have been a 3 hour living nightmare. Although actually I hadn't read the memo that the agenda had changed and was told when I arrived, which did feel like being hit in the face with a sledgehammer for a while!!

Training was great today, too, with a morning CF class and a Barbell Club Pure Strength session in the evening, which was the most funny training session I've had (in a 'laughing through your own pain and that of others' type way). A brutal shoulder session with the MASSIVE Hendo!!

Tuesday Food

8:00am, post-workout: Protein shake
8:30am, breakfast: 3 eggs, scrambled with 1tsp coconut oil. Espresso with coconut/almond milk
1:00pm, lunch: Roast chicken, spinach leaves, tomato, cucumber, 1/2 avocado, dressing was olive oil, sesame oil, chilli and balsamic.
2:00 to 5:00pm: Grazed on 50g of mixed nuts and dried coconut that I remembered to take to work. And a an instant coffee to keep me awake through a long afternoon meeting. I felt dirty drinking this...
7:00pm: A banana, 2 satsumas and a plum.
9:00pm, post workout: Protein shake
9:40pm, late dinner: A piece of  white fish baked with tomato and herbs. A very light dinner.

Tuesday Training:

7am CrossFit class: Handstand practice. Holds and HSPU's. Managed 2 HSPU's a couple of times. Tried kipping and managed a set of 3 unbroken. Slowly progressing. WOD was a blast - 2 rounds for reps, 1 min on, 30s rest: box jumps, v-sits, row (cals), press-ups. All Rx'd (surprised myself on the v-sits). 186 reps.
8pm Barbell Club Pure Strength: CRAZY!!! This is basically a chance for Big Sam to get a few people together and have a laugh at how much pain they're in. Underneath it all, there's a MASSIVE SADIST in there!! But it was good fun...
Shoulder press 3x3, then drop sets for max reps. Started at 55kg, worked down thru' 50, 45, 40, 30, 20. Only took 8 reps with an empty bar to reach failure. Funny as!
Pull-ups 3x3, 1 x max. Red band and max was also 3!
Not sure what the next 2 were called, but 2x16kg KB's for each exercise. Supersetted, 3 rounds
1: laying face down on an elevated bench, row type pulls, holding at the top with shoulder blades bleeding squeezed together for a couple of seconds, then KB's lowered slowly.
2: Like a bench press with KB's, only lying on the floor, keeping elbows narrow.
Then we did 3 rounds of max holds: Handstand, pull-up, hollow body.
Great class...

Wednesday (Partner WODnesday!!)

I worked from home today, which makes my eating a little different as I'm less confined to particular times when I can eat, particularly in the morning. I'm often not hungry in the morning, particularly if I've not done a 7am session at the box. So, no breakfast, but a brunchy panlette type concoction, only instead of blending the egg and banana, I just smashed the banana up with my fingers and dropped it into the egg and gave it a bit of a mix with a fork. Working from home also makes it easier to flex my day around a lunchtime workout!!

Wednesday Food
8:45am: espresso with coconut/almond milk
11am, brunch: As above (3 eggs, 1tsp coconut oil, 1 banana). Pour over coffee (V60 method, for anyone interested!)
1:15pm, post-workout: protein shake
3:00pm, late lunch: Broccoli soup (homemade), roast veg, roast chicken.
5:00pm, snacks: Some more roast chicken (picked the last off the carcass), some melon. V60 coffee.
7:00pm, dinner: Smoked peppered mackerel, wilted spinach, salad leaves, tomato, cucumber, spring onion, beetroot, 2 fried eggs. Some more melon and 8 grapes!
8:00pm: Coffee (V60).

Wednesday Training - 12pm CrossFit Class
Great warm up inc. tiggy scarecrows!!
Shoulder press 4x3; Pull-ups 4x3
Pressed 2 sets at 55kg, but needed to drop this to 50 for the other 2!
Pull-ups done with a thin purple band. Getting better.
Partner WOD: 15 min AMRAP, alt rounds:
7 KB swings; 7 KB push press
7 ring rows; 15m broad jumps
I used the Rx weight 2x20kg and worked with fellow 30 dayer Tom Outterside. We completed 14 rounds and 3 KB swings. Happy with this, particularly with completing all my KB work Rx and unbroken, despite all the shoulder work in the previous 16 hours!!

Monday 21 October 2013

Day 20!

Just a quick update today, with some training analysis. 

10:30am: espresso with almond / coconut milk
12:30pm, lunch: 3 eggs scrambled with 1tsp coconut oil and a big teaspoon of almond butter. I wouldn't bother with the almond butter again, it added nothing to the experience!! Also had a banana, a satsuma and a plum. 
4:30pm, snack: a Chinese pear and a satsuma
6:00pm, tea: Grilled chicken, 1/2 sweet potato, some romanesco cauliflower, 1/2 avocado, spinach leaves, tomato.
6:40pm: espresso with alm/c'nut milk
9:00, post-training: protein shake. 

7:00pm: attended CrossFit class for warm up and squats
Back squat 5x5. Warm up: 10x20lkg, 5x60kg
Working sets: 87.5, 100, 87.5, 87.5, 87.5kg. The set at 100kg felt like it was pulling me forward so decided to stick at a lighter weight and look for perfect form. Don't quite think I achieved perfection!
9:00pm, Leeds Barbell Club - weightlifting. Work on Split Jerks. Managed to work upto 70kg, ensuring I hit one good rep at each weight before moving up, but there were a few ugly ones on the mix!! Finished with an 8min EMOM: 1 hang clean 2 split jerks. Went for good form again, working 6 at 40kg and finishing with 2 at 50kg.
Key learning: getting a good start position which helps me push my knees out, rather than forward, on the dip. 

Sunday 20 October 2013

Things I Miss, Not Drinking and A Healthy Fridge!

Coming home from town yesterday we once again drove straight past Further North, my favourite little bar. Ordinarily, I'd have suggested to Donna that we stop (it's always me that makes the suggestion!) and I'd have a beer of some description and Donna would have a gin and tonic. I didn't say anything as we drove past yesterday. Donna asked if I was missing beer and this led to talking about the things I miss now, nearly 3 weeks into the challenge.

At first, I was missing load of stuff, mainly sweet stuff. But now, 3 weeks in, the 'craving' for anything sweet has gone and it's easier to see the things that are more important to me. After a while I decided that beer and cheese were at the top of the list, followed by milk to make a decent coffee!* Guess what will be at the front of my 're-introducing' schedule come November!!

So beer dodging ended up being a bit of a theme, as on Friday night I was out at the dog races at Kinsley on a leaving do for one of my team members. Couldn't use the driving excuse, as we all got a minibus together! I ate before we went, although the ticket included food. I had no idea what the food would be, so didn't take any chances! Had 2 pints of soda water (and did get to eat some chicken, too), so job done. Out at a friends on Saturday night, again, I stuck to water - treated myself by taking over a proper glass bottle of San Pellegrino!! The company was really good and not drinking didn't spoil the craic at all, so nothing lost really, and we didn't need to pay for a taxi!

Healthy Fridge!
Yesterday's  food was difficult to get right, too. The morning was easy enough, but a squash match at 6pm and getting over to a friend's in Horsforth  by  7:30 / 8pm made time tight and timings tricky.... Ended up having a late lunch / early dinner, then nothing for hours and hours,  leaving me feeling very hungry before Hill Sprints this morning. A late night also meant I was in no mood to get up early, leaving a  tough decision: have nothing before Hills and risk running on empty or have something and risk seeing it again...

One thing that has certainly changed over the 19 days of the challenge so far is the inside of our fridge! Donna remarked the other day that it was the healthy looking fridge she's ever seen!!

OK, I admit it - I'm a coffee snob...
*Regarding Coffee
I normally drink an espresso based coffee with smaller amounts milk, such as a piccolo or a flat white. I'm passionate about good coffee and have a decent enough set up at home to make something I'm very happy with and that only a few indie coffee shops can match or better. I've just been having espresso at home and either espresso or a brewed coffee (such as a V60 or Aeropress) when out. I don't drink coffee at work, as it's shit. I've experimented with different milk substitutes over the last 3 weeks and have now found that mixing 50/50 almond milk and coconut milk is just about acceptable!! I can't wait to try some organic raw milk next month...

Friday Training: 7am CrossFit class.
Deadlift 6x3:
Warm ups:  5x60, 3x100; Working sets: 120, 120, 130, 130, 130, 130kg
21-15-9:  Box jumps (24", step downs), OH lunge (20kg), press ups.
6m38s, Rx'd. Slowed down by my press ups.

Friday Food
8:00am, post-training shake (tried the Omni-MX leancore today, only 1/2 serving, though - don't think I'd order this as the carb and calorie levels scare me!)
8:30am, breakfast: Omlette with 3 eggs, 2 rashers, mushroom. Coffee: piccolo with almond and coconut milk mix.
1:15pm, lunch: very small piece of grilled chicken, half a sweet potato. A satsuma.
5:00pm, dinner: Thai Green Curry & Cauli rice (leftover from earlier in the week, with chicken, pork, etc)
8:00pm, snack: A chicken leg quarter which had a mexican rub.
Other snacks: A banana, a satsuma, 2 plums.

Saturday Training: 10am CrossFit Class - roll the dice special!
Too complicated to explain!!
6:00pm Squash match. Win. Straightforward.

Saturday Food
9:30, pre-training: Protein shake (IDW)
11:10, post training: Protein shake (tried the Whey Plus ripped core again, to make sure liking strawberry flavour wasn't a fluke - it wasn't and I'll be ordering this one).
1:30pm, fruit flurry: banana, plum, satsuma
3:00pm, snack: A few coconut pieces
4:00pm, main meal: Sirloin steak, 2 fried eggs (coconut oil, obvs), 1/2  avocado, 1/2 sweet potato, tomato, salad leaves. This was very, very good.
8:00pm, snack: satsuma.
1:00am, A piece of hot-smoked salmon and a plum (I was really hungry!).

Sunday Training: Hill Sprints with Spirit Master Wully Bully.
Massive Omlette
I had some issues with this today. As I'd not eaten much in the preceeding 16 or 17 hours, I woke up pretty hungry, but with little time before starting to run. I opted for a beefed up (or rather banana'd up) shake. I don't think it worked fast enough and I ended up with wobbly legs at one stage and had to have a little break and miss one run. Not too bad, but not brilliant.

Sunday Food
8:40am, pre-hills: Protein shake (IDW) with a banana and an egg blended in.
1:00pm, brunch?: A MASSIVE OMLETTE: 4 eggs, 4 rasher, mushroom, 1/2 red onion, a piece of hot smoked salmon (sliced), 1/2 a courgette (fine sliced), cherry tomatoes, spinach (hat tip to Hendo!)
Tonight I'll be having
7:00pm, dinner: Roast chicken (leg qtr), butternut squash, romanesco cauliflower, 1/2 sweet potato.
And some fruit (I'll edit later to insert!).

Black Marks
2 more, both for sleep - Thursday and Saturday nights.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Days 15 & 16: Halfway through!!

A regular paleo lady. Apparently.
Halfway point reached and overall I'm pretty pleased with things.  Certainly pleased with the way I've managed to stick to things and stay clean in my eating. Really pleased with the way it's making me be more organised so that I have decent food around when I need it, rather  than grabbing something 'dirty' because it's quick and easy (like a crappy sandwich)!

Still need to learn a bit more about how to get things right at key times regarding exercise. Losing at squash yesterday after turning a poor start around was pretty painful - can't remember the last time I got a stitch while playing and squash is too fast a game to have enough time to deal with it. Need to be even more organised here and be ready to eat well in advance of a match.

However, I really cant complain in terms of performance in the gym. My pull-ups have really come on (it can't hurt being a few pounds lighter!), getting my first unassisted and using ever thinner bands to hit more reps. And this week, without specifically trying to max out, I hit a new front squat best for 5 reps which was beyond the 3RM I set last month. I PB'd on the Henderson Complex and today I hit a new push press 5RM. Good stuff!

Above all, though, I've been feeling pretty good this week. I been a bit more sensible with my training, dropping the gym on Tuesday when I had a squash match and no doubling up this week. I feel more tired, as in needing sleep, than I normally do, but I'm getting decent sleep which  is a positive thing as normally I tend to survive on the minimum I can get away with. Not feeling physically exhausted, so I may even manage a Saturday sickener for the first time in a while this week!

Weds food
Having said all the above, I wasn't very organised after I got up late on Wednesday!
8:30am, Breakfast: 1/4 Galia melon, a satsuma, espresso.
11:30am, pre-training snack: 1/4 Galia melon, a satsuma.
1:45pm, post-training: protein shake
3:00pm, snack: Dried coconut pieces, satsuma
7:00pm, dinner: Thai green curry with chicken breast, lean pork strips, Spinach and broccoli

The coconut pieces were part of an order from MyProtein which arrived at work this afternoon like a gift from the gods, along with almond butter and coconut oil.

Training - Partner WODnesday!
Push Press 4x5 @ 50, 52.5, 56 & 60kg
Pull ups, max x 4: Used thin red band: 7, 8, 7, 6

Partner WOD with Giles
15min AMRAP, alt rounds
15 Wall Balls (10kg / 10')
10 KB swings (32kg)
5 burpees
Score, 9rnds+8swings (5rnds for me). We both Rx'd this workout and were pleased with our score.

Breakfasty awesomeness
Thursday Food
8:30am, breakfast: 3 egg omlette with 3 rashers bacon and a large flat mushroom, plus a tomato and half an avocado. with a bit of chilli sauce. It was awesome (see picture).
1:30pm, lunch: roast chicken breast (cold) with salad leaves, a large tomato, half an avocado, a few olives, 6 anchovy fillets, capers, cucumber.
4:00pm, snack: a few dried coconut pieces.
4:45pm: pre-training: protein shake
7:10pm, post-training: protein shake*
8:00pm, dinner: (all cold) Grilled chicken breast, roast veg (courgette, aubergine, pepper, red onion, leek, chilli) a tomato, cucumber, a few olives.

* I wouldn't ordinarily have had this, but there were samples of some Sci-Mx stuff I wanted to try (tonight's was Whey Plus RippedCore) in flavours I wouldn't normally go for (this was strawberry). It was lovely. However, I'm not yet ripped.

Training: Ferino's Fab Abs!
This was my third week of trying out Ferino's camply named pain-fest and I've got to say I'm loving it!

Monday and Tuesday. A tweak. Or two...

Had a chat with Mike, and also with the always insightful Mel Gee during the morning session at the box, about my recovery issues and my difficult weekend, challenge wise. Happy to take some advice on-board, so tweak one will be to introduce a little more carbohydrate into my diet this week. I think this will be largely in the form of fruit (maybe a bit more banana) and a bit more sweet potato. And this may even be outside of training windows. But not too much. I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of Bradders, our resident Sweet Patato Policeman!! So that's one tweak.

Monday Food
9:00am, Breakfast: Tried the famous banana 'panlette' (2 eggs, 1 banana, 1tsp coconut oil). Espresso.
11:45, snack: An apple
12:45pm, Lunch: Roast chicken breast with salad leaves, tomatoes, a few olives and roast veg (chicken and roast veg leftover from yesterday's dinner).
5:00pm, snack: Protein shake
7:00pm, dinner: Thai green curry and cauliflower rice (this was the last of the TGC & CR I made last week)
8:00pm, not-sure-what-this-is-called: A small apple and two plums.
Front Squat 3x5
Warm up: 8 x 20, 5 x 60kg
Working sets: 80, 90, 95kg (PB). Felt good. Last rep at 90 and last couple at 95 were hard, as they should be.
The Henderson Complex:
Without grounding the bar, perform the following...
5 x Deadlift
4 x HPC
3 x Front squat
2 x Thruster
1 x Push press
Warm up: 20kg, 50kg
Good attempts: 60kg, 67.5kg (PB - Prev: 65kg)
Failed attempt: 72.5kg
On this last failed attempt, on the 3rd front squat, I felt a little something in my back on the left side. I failed on the first thruster. I didn't mention the little something, which was silly. I sometimes think that if I ignore something, it hasn't really happened. Yeah... I know! What I should have done was just put the bar down. I don't think trying the thruster caused any more damage, fortunately, but I can feel it today (Tuesday)! That's the second tweak..!!
Tuesday Food
10:30am, 'Breakfast-ish': Protein shake with 2 eggs, a banana and some cinnamon and nutmeg. I blended the eggs and banana with some water and the cinnnamon and nutmeg at home this morning, decanted into a water botle, then mixed this with the protein powder just before drinking at work.
1:30pm, lunch: 2 pork burgers with salad and lots of tomatoes.
5:00pm, snack: Some nuts
5:30pm, another snack!: 1/4 Galia melon
6:45pm, dinner: Stir fry beef and vegetables
7:45pm, pre-squash: banana, coconut water
10:00pm, post-squash: 1/4 Galia melon


No CrossFit training today because of the back tweak yesterday, but I still played squash for the team. I lost tonight and annoyingly it was a game I thinks should have won. Could have played better and was coming back well after losing the first 2 games, until I got a stitch in the 4th game. I know this is purely because of the food I ate beforehand. I don't normally eat before playing, so my pre-squash nutrition strategy needs a rethink! Think I overdid it tonight, food wise.